Tired of the usual ... soup?

Cooking and eating is a great pleasure let's face it… especially eating !!!

Every day at lunch and dinner the kitchen has become a nightmare, not to mention if your mate or your partner has extremely nonchalantly invited guests to sit at the table, hungry and ready to judge your meager dishes.

the “Siesta” is over…

Let's show how much your hands, your creativity, your taste are worth but above all we enhance your new passion which from now on is COOKING.

Chef Zannelli will become your personal cooking trainer, he will give you a nice "smoothie" with simple but tasty original ideas to offer both when you are in a hurry between a break from work and your child's Dad, and when you have more time and want to amaze your beloved guests at the table with a pinch of imagination.


Course duration: 10 hours

Frequency: you decide with your personal chef (each content is at least 2 hours)

Objectives: I will make you acquire the basic notions of cooking, guiding you step by step to make dishes following a recipe and interpreting it to your taste and pleasure

Contents: - organization of the kitchen, manual skills with knives and utensils, preparation of stocks and sauces

- soups and rice

- you mix water, flour and eggs, mix with potatoes

- meat and fish in a pan, pan and in the oven

- meat and fish in a pan, pan and in the oven

Price € 600 iva and purchase of raw materials included